Renergy Personnel Services

Renergy Personnel Services LLP is a registered employment agency under Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (EA License: 10C2854). We provide recruitment and placement services for both locals and foreigners to Singapore clients.

Ready Consultants
We have trained EA personnel that are ready to assist your recruitment needs. Questions about salaries and on-boarding procedures in Singapore, do feel free to ask us!

It’s all about connections
Sometimes companies may do their own sourcing, reaching candidates who are already on the market, looking at job sites or responding to ads. However this is only the 10% of the qualified candidates for the role in Singapore. Why not extend your reach and allow us to connect potential candidates to you from our very own talent pool?

Fuss-free processes
We will handle the necessary matching and selection of potential candidates, reviewing histories before delivering them to hiring companies for interview, approval and finally mobilization.

We are certified and a licensed Employment Agency
Ready to serve your requirements, while you work on other important matters.